
"That’s a private decision regarding his own health": LeBron James' vaccination stance in 2021 stirred debate among fans

As the face of his sport, LeBron James is asked to speak on all big topics around the world. Back in 2021, the main story was the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following the bubble, the NBA rolled out a plan to get games back to being played in stadiums. One thing that helped this was the vaccine eventually being rolled out.

When it first became available, many were asked their thoughts and if they got it done. LeBron James was first questioned about getting it, the LA Lakers star decided to keep that private.

Seeing that he is a major star in the league, there was some outrage amongs fans for LeBron not disclosing this. However, some did end up being on his side. They felt it was a personal decision and not something that he had to share with the public.

Y’all really need to leave Lebron James alone regarding vaccination. That’s a private decision regarding his own health.

Y’all are not pressuring white athletes to declare their vaccination status.

Did LeBron James ever reveal is vaccination status?

It took some time, but LeBron James did end up letting the world know his thoughts on the COVID-19 vaccine. The LA Lakers star felt it was safe for him after doing some more research. He was also not scared to admit that he was skeptical early on in the process.

"I think everyone has they own choice — to do what they feel is right for themselves and their family and things of that nature," he said. "I know that I was very (skeptical) about it all but after doing my research. I felt like it was best suited for not only me but for my family and my friends."

Being on the floor ended up being a clear indicator of his vaccination status as well. Adam Silver ended up making it a rule that players had to receive the vaccine to be on the floor.

There were some players that pushed back, but LeBron was not one of them. The most notable to do so was Kyrie Irving. Because of this, he was unable to suit up in home games for the Brooklyn Nets becuase of city mandates.

Even though LeBron did end up opening up on his status, he should not have felt forced to. Superstar atheltes already have to live their lives in the spotlight. Not everything about them and their health needs to be on full display for the world.

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