
"This shot was the distance of 19 NBA 3-pointers" - Steph Curry's shooting stroke extends to the golf course to make history- 

Steph Curry has been hailed as, arguably, the best shooter in NBA history. His ability to shoot the ball looks uncanny as the four-time NBA champion is also doing the same on the golf course.

The off-season gives Curry a chance to participate in the American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament in Lake Tahoe. His performance on the golf course has been just as thrilling as his performance on the basketball court.

Golf is a passion that the nine-time NBA All-Star shares with NBA legend Michael Jordan, and he is putting on a show. He is currently leading the ACC Tournament on the first day.

The Golden State Warriors guard brings his swag, as well, after hitting a no-look putt.

How good from Steph Curry?!👏

Once again, Steph Curry is showing more highlights on a golf course by hitting a hole-in-one.

"He. Is. Not. Of. Our. Earth," said Tim Reynolds of the Associated Press on his Twitter Account.
This shot was the distance of 19 NBA 3-pointers.

HE. IS. NOT. OF. OUR. EARTH. twitter.com/nbcsports/stat…
"It's totally different than basketball because I feel like I can kind of force the issue a little bit more and control more," said Curry in an interview with Nevada Sportsnet. "It's a different experience out here kind of just letting go and hitting shots and seeing what happens."

This was, indeed, a day that Curry prepared for as he practiced for more than three weeks prior to the ACC Tournament.

"I had three-and-a-half weeks, more than I'm used to. I actually got a coach last year that's been helping me kind of build the blocks. I never really understood how to learn," said Curry.

Aside from Curry, Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs was competing at the ACC Tournament.

Steph Curry interviews Michael Jordan about golf

Two NBA legends, Michael Jordan and Steph Curry, share a love for the game of golf. Both players have participated in celebrity tournaments. They recently had a chance to sit down to talk about another sport besides basketball.

As both athletes shared and compared stories, Curry asked Jordan who the NBA player was that he loved to beat on a golf course. Both agreed on one former Boston Celtics guard.

"Danny Ainge," replied Jordan. "He talks a lot of trash. Imagine him on the basketball court. I had to deal with him there, too."

WATCH: Steph Curry interviews Michael Jordan

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