
Top 3 predictions by analysts for 2028 NBA seasonĀ 

NBA analysts predicted the 2028 NBA's future, and some of their responses were certainly informative and interesting. While it's always tough to analyze the NBA's future, they brought up good and realistic points.

As expected, they both brought up Giannis Antetokounmpo and Luka Doncic multiple times. It makes sense, considering they have a real chance of still being the face of the 2028 NBA.

2028 NBA's future

The first question asked was about the 2028 NBA Champion. Jorge Sedano had the following to say, showing some love to the Detroit Pistons.

"All right, I'm going to do the better than just the NBA Champion. I'm going to give you a matchup. Because Zion is already an established star in my estimation, I'm going to go with the New Orleans Pelicans representing the Western Conference, and in the East, I'm going to go old school, Detroit basketball. Yeah, if I got New Orleans, and I got Detroit, I'm going to give Zion his first championship in 2028."

Friedell is backing Luka Doncic, and it's tough to argue against him.

"I am going with the Dallas Mavericks. Because I'm believing, within the next five years, Luka and Mark Cuban are going to continue building. They're going to find somebody to play next to him, and they're going to keep getting better to a point that they're ready to win. So I would put my money right now in 2028 on the Dallas Mavericks."

Nick Friedell says Antetokounmpo is his pick to be the MVP in the 2028 NBA, showing again that it's tough to argue against him.

"The first name that popped to my head as we were preparing for where we were going here, it was a guy who's already won the thing a couple of times, and it's Giannis. I don't see anybody being able to slow Giannis down at the age he is, at the level at which he keeps his body, in order the way he continues to improve year after year."

Sedano thinks it's Luka Doncic's to win in 2028.

"See, I'm going to give it to Luka in this particular case. I think that Luka has already been knocking at the door at his MVP case for a couple of years. I think Luka will be at the peak of his power by 2028."

The duo was asked about where they believed LeBron will be in 2028. Their comments certainly seems realistic. Nick Friedell had the following to say:

"In five years, I think LeBron is running his own Hollywood studio. He's finding a way to do all kinds of different stuff off the floor, and he is right on the brink of owning his own NBA team."

Sedano added the following about the 2028 NBA's future, saying that LeBron James is going to be the owner of a new NBA team in Las Vegas, Nevada.

"I'm going to agree with you, Nick. I think that is absolutely on the table for him. I absolutely think we will have two new teams in the NBA, and I think he's going to own the Las Vegas NBA teams, so that's where I think he's at in five years, and you know what. Bronnie will probably be in the league by then. Maybe Bronnie will be part of that Las Vegas team. Maybe they can deal for Bronnie, who knows."

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