
Watch: Jeanie Buss presents Slava Medvedenko with championship rings after the latter had to sell his to help Ukraine

Last year, former LA Lakers forward Slava Medvedenko auctioned off his two NBA championship rings in an effort to support his home country Ukraine.

The two rings, from the Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal-led 2001 and 2002 Lakers teams, were very prized possessions for Medvedenko. However, he knew that giving them up was the best way to help out Ukraine during its war with Russian invaders.

This is in addition to Medvedenko having already decided to help defend his country himself. Medvedenko has now been rewarded for his decision as Lakers owner Jeanie Buss recently presented him with replacement championship rings at a Lakers fan event.

Lakers governor Jeanie Buss just presented Slava Medvedenko with replacement championship rings at a Lakers fan event after he sold his to help his home country of Ukraine fight the war against Russia. https://t.co/qOdRWomV5w

When Slava Medvedenko auctioned off his title rings, he gave the proceeds to his Fly High Foundation, which supports Ukrainian children.

“We want to return physical activity to their daily lives through restoring the destroyed sports infrastructure of Ukrainians schools and launch a network of social sports clubs,” the foundation's site reads.
Two-time champion Slava Medvedenko is selling his championship rings to support relief efforts in his native Ukraine.

Auction is now live. Register to bid at SCPauctions.com by 7 pm PT on Aug. 5. 100% of the proceeds from the auction go to Slava’s Fly High Foundation. https://t.co/tBxekAzIqL

Medvedenko spoke about his specific plans for the proceeds at the time of the auction.

“We want to restore gyms because the Russian army bombed more than a hundred schools,” Medvedenko said.
“Our country, they need a lot of money to fix the schools. Sports gyms are going to be last in the line to fix it. In Ukraine, we have winter and kids need to play inside,” Medvedenko continued.

Medvedenko’s two championship rings were sold at SCP Auctions in August for $126,767 each, a combined value of $253,534.

"At this moment, I just decided, 'Why do I need these rings if they're just sitting in my safe?'" Medvedenko said.
"I just recognize I can die. After that, I just say I have to sell them to show people leadership, to help my Ukrainian people to live better, to help kids,” Medvedenko continued.

Slava Medvedenko on his efforts to defend Ukraine

Former LA Lakers forward Slava Medvedenko
Former LA Lakers forward Slava Medvedenko

In addition to his financial contributions, Slava Medvedenko served in Ukraine’s territorial defense forces during the Russia-Ukraine war. Medvedenko spoke about what this life-changing experience was like for him last year.

"I made a decision to stay in Kyiv. Whatever I can do to defend my city,” Medvedenko said.
“We were defending our neighborhood, doing checkpoints and duty patrol. I’m not the best solider, I’m not the best shooter, but I can give them support.
“I’m happy I don’t have a chance to shoot somebody. Our army did a great job to defend Kyiv. I want to thank them,” Medvedenko continued.

Medvedenko was later asked how the experience of helping his home country compared to the feeling of accomplishing his dream of winning an NBA title. Medvedenko explained that the two don’t compare.

"It's two different worlds," Medvedenko said.
"Now I'm more mature, and I think different. I think to help my country, it's more important," Medvedenko continued.

Slava Medvedenko added that his new goal is "to get Ukrainians free, healthy and independent."

As for his relationship with the LA Lakers, Medvedenko said that the organization has been supportive of his endeavors. This includes the team donating to his efforts to help improve children’s sports in Ukraine.

“The Lakers family always helps me. The Lakers will always be in my heart,” Medvedenko said.

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