
WATCH: Video shows Christian Wood’s baby mama Yasmine Lopez allegedly smashing up Lakers star's car before police arrest

LA Lakers’ Christian Wood, who is out for a week due to a knee injury, finds himself in the news due to a family dispute. The official Instagram account of “The Neighborhood Talk” posted a video of Yasmine Lopez, the mother of his child, allegedly vandalizing his car parked on his property.

In the video, Lopez was seen jumping over the fence around Wood's house. She then vandalized his car, putting multiple scratches on the hood of the Mercedes-Benz. According to reports, Lopez was later arrested by the police.

Here is the video posted on Instagram:

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Wood’s sister, who was apparently at the house when Lopez jumped over the fence and vandalized the car, also shared her side of the story. In a post on social media, she said that she was with her brother the entire night. She revealed that Lopez had jumped over the fence of the house with three friends and vandalized the car.

According to her account, the neighbors later called the police, which led to Lopez’s arrest. She also gave clarity over Baddies East star Tee Kissen alleging that Christian Wood threatened her with a shovel. According to Wood’s sister, the Lakers player was only trying to move the shovel from the door at Tee’s house.

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Apparently, after Lopez was arrested, Wood and his sister went to Tee’s house to get the baby. Wood’s sister also said that they didn’t make any calls because they didn’t want CPS to get involved in the domestic dispute. She asked people on social media to refrain from character-assassinating her brother, who just wanted to "locate” his son.

Tee Kissen alleges Christian Wood threatened to beat her with shovel

Christian Wood and Yasmine Lopez's saga is taking turns with every hour. After Lopez was allegedly arrested and sent to jail, Wood went looking for his son. Wood’s sister had said in her social media post that one of Lopez’s friends had given them the address of Tee Kissen, who was babysitting Wood’s son.

Afterward, in a video that Tee Kissen recorded, Wood was seen standing in front of her door with a shovel in his hand. Tee pointed to the shovel in Wood’s hands and remarked,

“You want to beat me with a shovel?”
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Tee also put a post on her social media saying that Lopez, who is her friend, wanted her to babysit the child while she went to dinner. She claimed that Wood showed up at the house asking for his son and that since she had never met the Lakers star, she did not want to give him the child.

She also claimed that Wood called the police and when they showed him his son was safe, the Lakers player did not leave.

She also leaked alleged messages she received from Wood.

"Ima see you around I know who you are," one of the messages read.
"Shoulda stayed out of it."

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