
“We’ll see if we can survive”: Shaquille O’Neal wants to go to Antarctica citing TV show plans

One of the most iconic Shaquille O’Neal moments as of late involved him eating a spicy chip. Ironically, in a recent interview, he expressed a desire for a cool and chilly adventure.

Speaking to GQ Sports, the beloved basketball giant said Antarctica is one of the destinations he dreams of exploring.

During the interview, Shaq was asked about the top destination he desires to visit but has not yet had the opportunity to explore. He said:

“Siberia…Mongolia…And I want to try Antarctica,” he said. “That’d be a nice TV show: Shaq and the boys in Antarctica. We’ll see if we can survive.”

Residents of Antarctica can be categorized into two groups: tourists and those undertaking scientific research endeavors. The continent has 66 scientific bases, with roughly 37 of them being continuously inhabited throughout the year. During the summer months, there are around 4,000 people in Antarctica. This number drops to about 1,000 when winter falls.

If the LA Lakers legend really plans to go to Antarctica with his boys, he needs to plan extensively. Access to Antarctica is regulated by the Antarctic Treaty, and those planning on going on an expedition need to seek permission from their own government.

According to CoolAntarctica.com, those intending to visit the icy continent must have a compelling reason for the trip, one that minimizes environmental impact. Going without permission is illegal as it is a breach of the Antarctic Treaty.

One of Shaquille O’Neal's nicknames involves Antarctica

In an interview following his MVP win in 2000, Shaq playfully bestowed upon himself a series of nicknames, with one of them humorously referencing Antarctica.

“From this day on, I’d like to be known as ‘The Big Aristotle’ because Aristotle once said, ‘Excellence is not a singular act; it’s a habit. You are what you repeatedly do,’” he said.
“I want to be known as ‘The Big Shakespeare.’ It was Shakespeare that said, ‘Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them.’”

He followed this up with some of his personal favorite nicknames for himself.

“'The Big Stock Exchange.' I start off at one price. Every now and then I’ll go down, but eventually I’ll go back up. 'The Big IPO.' Put your money on me. Because when I go public, we all gonna make money,” he said.
“Can’t forget 'The Big Antarctica' because I’m so cold,” he added.

As of now, no NBA player past or present has set foot in Antarctica, making it intriguing if Shaq could become the first.

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