
What is a logo 3 in NBA? Closer look at one of the hardest feats in the league

In the NBA, the term 'Logo 3' is coined to a 3-point shot that's taken around the mid-court by the logo. For years, it has been deemed as a shot with a very low probability of success, so anybody who makes it gets a loud cheer from fans.

In the present NBA, the 3-point line sits mostly at 23.77 feet from the basket but shortens to 22 feet at the corners. Despite the considerable distance and the prevalence of 3-point shots, NBA teams take about a third of their shots from beyond the arc.

More players are noticeably increasing their shooting prowess from extreme distances, with the number of successful shots from beyond 30 feet rising significantly.

These shots, often taken from the center-court logo, have become emblematic of long-range marksmanship. While statistics may not fully capture the nuances of the 'logo range', the visual impact of these shots is undeniable, earning players like Damian Lillard the monicker 'Logo Lillard'.

The evolution of the on-court logos has also contributed to the allure of long-rance shooting, with varying designs offering unique challenges and opportunities. The 'Logo 3' has also been integrated as part of the NBA Shooting Stars Challenge in the NBA All-Star Weekend.

In the 90's, the logo shot made an appearance, with Reggie Miller and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (aka Chris Jackson) doing it but rarely. The 2000s have had a few memorable half-court shots, including Rasheed Wallace winning a game against the Denver Nuggets at the buzzer.

The 2010s to the present have seen more players attempting the shot and doing so frequently. From Damian Lillard, Steph Curry and Trae Young, the 'Logo 3' has been seen more frequently and has never failed to excite fans.

From 'Logo 3' to 'Tunnel Three', Steph Curry just keeps raising the bar

There's no doubt that the NBA and the basketball world has never seen any other shooter like Steph Curry, who continues to break records on 3-pointers in every aspect.

As the innovator of the 3-point shot, he seems to have taken it up to a whole new level, as for years, Curry has taken it from further beyond the court. Popularizing the 'Logo 3', Curry has made shootarounds watchable as he goes beyond the length of the court and puts the ball inside the rim.

Right before the 2024 NBA All-Star Weekend, the four-tme NBA champion was captured on camera shooting the ball from the venue tunnel, which went viral on social media.

As basketball continues to evolve, an increasing number of players are pushing the boundaries of long-range shooting, adding new challenges to the game, an evolution that has a promising future.

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