
When kicking a cameraman affected Dennis Rodman's net worth by more than $1 million

Dennis Rodman's net worth has taken multiple hits over the years. While most of his financial losses were a result of trusting a bad financial advisor, during the 1996-1997 NBA season, Rodman's actions on the court cost him over $1 million.

The 1996-1997 season was, by far, the highest-paid of Dennis Rodman's career, as he made $9 million. Over his 13 other seasons in the NBA, Rodman combined to make about $18 million, meaning that the 1996-1997 season amounted to one-third of his career earnings.

Halfway through the season, Dennis Rodman's net worth would take a substantial hit due to an on-court incident in which he kicked a cameraman. Rodman would pay the cameraman, Eugene Amos, $200,000 in a settlement. The bigger loss, however, would come from his 11-game suspension without pay levied by the NBA. The suspension would cost Rodman over $1 million.

Rodman detailed the incident during a 1997 appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, stating:

"It wasn't that I was trying to kick the guy. I wasn't trying to kick him. I was kicking, I'm frustrated, the camera that was on the floor. When I kicked him, I hit the camera and I hit him... It's a damn shame we got people that the first thing that comes out of their mouth is 'I want to sue you... I want your money' and now his a** is in jail."

Rodman also shared how he would have handled the situation if he had been commissioner David Stern, stating:

"I would've said, 'Hey, let's bring him in, let's talk and then let's find a reasonable thing we can do.' Not just say, 'Hey, 11 games, $1.1 million, you're out the league, out the All-Star game.' He didn't have a chance to talk to me at all. First thing was, 'You're out for 11 games, All-Star game.' It wasn't fair to me."

Watch Dennis Rodman discuss his suspension below (starting at the 5:15 mark):

Dennis Rodman's net worth and NBA contracts

Despite earning over $27 million in his career, Dennis Rodman's net worth is reportedly just $500,000. Rodman was scammed by a former financial advisor, which cost him most of his money. Additionally, the five-time NBA champion has battled substance abuse and several arrests and lawsuits, which have all contributed to diminishing his net worth.

Watch Dennis Rodman's career highlights below:

Dennis Rodman's net worth affected by vodka business

Dennis Rodman once launched a vodka business labeled 'Bad Boy Vodka' that many had suspected could be very profitable, particularly due to his relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Unfortunately, for Rodman, the business ended up going under after a few months when he was forced to enter a rehabilitation facility for his drinking problem.

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