
"Women are dying because of these bans": Al Horford's sister Anna Horford decries Georgia’s abortion laws after latest tragedy

Anna Horford, the sister of Boston Celtics star Al Horford, has become quite the activist. Over the past few months, she has urged the US government to focus its spending on home-based issues instead of aiding foreign wars. She is outspoken and doesn't hesitate to express herself on social media.

On Monday, the former podcaster trained her sights on the abortion ban in Georgia. She shared a tweet about two women dying because they could not get legal abortions on her Instagram story.

Her caption reads:

“Pregnancy is far too complicated to legislate. Women are dying because of these bans.”

Anna Horford's IG post following the reported death of a mother in Georgia who couldn't get a legal abortion. [photo: @anna_horford/IG]
Anna Horford's IG post following the reported death of a mother in Georgia who couldn't get a legal abortion. [photo: @anna_horford/IG]

ProPublica published a report on Monday about the death of Amber Nicole Thurman after she couldn’t get a “routine procedure” to clear her uterus. When the doctors received the green light to operate, she had been too far gone.

Thurman’s passing, based on the same report, was the first pregnancy-related death that a review committee classified as “preventable.” The name and circumstance of the second woman who suffered the same fate will come out in the next few days. More worryingly, the report noted similar cases may have happened already without the reviewing board’s knowledge yet.

Al Horford’s sister Anna is helping shed light on this issue by sharing the same story on X.

Al Horford’s sister Anna Horford deeply cares for children

Al Horford’s biggest fan, Anna Horford, doesn’t just care for the children in the US. She is also worried about the plight of the young ones in war-torn Gaza.

The social media influencer also shared another X post, highlighting the suffering of the helpless in the Middle East:

“If these were your children, you’d want the world to be screaming too.”
Al Horford's sister shares the suffering of children in war-torn Gaza. [photo: @anna_horford/IG]
Al Horford's sister shares the suffering of children in war-torn Gaza. [photo: @anna_horford/IG]

Anna Horford’s IG post came after reports showed the thousands of child deaths in Gaza. She is doing what she can to bring awareness to the situation of the helpless in the US and overseas. Perhaps by sharing reports, she hopes she can help alleviate the suffering of children.

Al Horford’s sister is loud when the NBA season starts. Fans can expect her to be even more vocal when the Boston Celtics try to defend their championship. She will have no shortage of bashers and trollers.

While the league is in the offseason, she is spending some of her time bringing to light issues that particularly involve women and children.

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