
"You tell them you’re Tiger Woods" - When Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan taught the golfer how to talk to women

Aside from Michael Jordan's legendary career in the NBA, he was known to spend a good amount of time with stars from different industries. One of the most famous personalities that had a chance to hang out with Jordan was Tiger Woods.

Back in 2021, HBO released a series dedicated to Woods called "Tiger," providing an in-depth look at the golfing legend's life. The mini-series showcased the golfer's marriage, which crumbled due to infidelity. The show also provided a closer look at his golf career.

One section of the documentary focused on Woods' relationship with Las Vegas, his go-to destination for parties. According to a former VIP host in Las Vegas, Tiffany Masters, Jordan often accompanied Woods and Charles Barkley on a few of their trips.

"In that entourage, Tiger was a bit of a geek," Masters recalled.

Based on American journalist Armen Keteyian's account, Woods sought advice from Jordan when it came to interacting with the girls in the city.

"Michael, to ever-loving credit, goes, 'You tell them you’re Tiger Woods,'" Keteyian said. "His ability to live a double-life, it started in Vegas."

Wright Thompson in 2016 wrote about how Jordan and Derek Jeter encouraged Woods to talk to women after the famed golfer went clubbing with the two stars in New York.

"The sexual bravado hid his awkwardness around women. One night he went to a club in New York with Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan. Jeter and Jordan circulated, talking with ease to one beautiful woman after another. (Both declined to comment about the episode.) At one point, Tiger walked up to them and asked the question that lives in the heart of every junior high boy and nearly every grown man too," Thompson wrote.
"'What do you do to talk to girls?" they asked Woods.' Thompson continued. "Jeter and Jordan looked at each other, then back at Tiger, sort of stunned."

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Mark Henry once felt disrespected by Michael Jordan

2022 NBA All-Star Game
2022 NBA All-Star Game

Michael Jordan has offended more than a few people with his bluntness over the years. Back at the 1996 Olympic Games, WWE star Mark Henry was at the receiving end of some harsh words from the Bulls legend.

"I got to meet the great Michael Jordan," Henry said. "The way the story goes is, Michael asked, 'Who are you?' because I didn’t fit in. I was in an environment where it was all basketball players, and he was like, 'Who is this big guy?'"

Henry said he felt disrespected by Jordan's words.

Also read: "Who are you?"- Michael Jordan once dissed former WWE star Mark Henry at 1996 Olympic Games

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