
Predictions for the 2014-15 All-NBA first team

Even though the pre-season was going on throughout the summer, the true excitement for the season started in early October. The fans had to endure the long gruelling period of time before the ball hit the court again for competitive contests.So since the beginning of this month, you have being seeing various prediction, expert opinions and analysis of every team but we are going to do something slightly different. Now that the season has started let’s allow it to play out rather than analysing every detail of every team every week.Generally the All-NBA teams are announced at the end of the regular season and rightfully so. The players who deserve to get their names called after an entire season of consistent good performances should get their name called. Although we are at the beginning, we are going to predict the All-NBA team for this current season.

#5 Center: Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis

Dwight Howard has been the center on the All-NBA’s First team five teams out of the last seven years with Tim Duncan and Joakim Noah being the only exceptions. Although Howard’s athleticism and talent put together is unmatchable but the past couple of years his game has been stagnant, at a level where he has neither risen nor fallen.

WIth Noah nursing a knee injury, this leaves the spot open for young rising superstar Anthony Davis. Two years from his successful Olympic Gold campaign in London where he was the only non-NBA player to feature on the 12 man squad for the USA National Basketball team, Davis has evolved every season and has now reached a point where his performance in the season would determine whether he is a bonafide superstar off the game. 

Having the capability to put up monster averages for the season, makes Davis the sleeper candidate for the league MVP award, something like the dark horse. Being young he is logically in his prime to put his athleticism and height to good use against smaller or shorter opposition centers.

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