
Steve Kerr discussed ‘Gun Violence’ during Golden State Warriors' visit to White House: “This is all we can do? A moment of silence?”

Earlier this month, the Golden State Warriors made their trip to the White House to meet president Joe Biden. While most teams use this opportunity to meet the POTUS and take photos, the 2022 champs had a different agenda.

Along with having an extremely successful career in the NBA, Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr has another passion. That being, standing up for social justice issues.

Over the years, Kerr has always tried to use his platform for change. Especially when it comes to gun violence. It is a topic that hit home for him as his father was a victim of gun violence when he was just 18 years old.

During their meeting at the White House, Kerr and other members of the Golden State Warriors held a discussion about working on gun violence. He also brought up his anger with the government and their minimal change over the years.

“We had had all these moments of silence at games, like five of them in one season,” Kerr says. “It was insane. A moment of silence for the Pulse nightclub, a moment of silence for this, for that, one after another. And it’s like, this is all we can do? Is just have a moment of silence? I mean, it’s the right thing to do. But that’s all? Like, how about doing something? And that’s when I really started to become more active.
“And seeing a lack of action by our government was so disgusting and disheartening. I think that’s when I really decided to speak up and say something."

Golden State Warriors applauded for their efforts at the White House

In the past, athletes have been criticized for speaking on social matters. Over the years, countless NBA players have attempted to use their platform to speak out and be agents of change.

After speaking at the White House, president Biden applauded the Golden State Warriors for trying to use their outreach for good.

“Look at what this team does,” Biden said, “speaking out against racism, standing up for equality … encouraging people to vote, empowering children and their families to eat healthy, learn and play in safe places, rallying the country against gun violence.”

Based on the reaction, it appears that the conversation was beneficial. Biden was pleased to hear what the team had to say, and Steve Kerr had a moment that he will never forget.

“I mean, that’s one you write down and keep in the family history,” Kerr said afterward. “It was a pretty special moment.”

Following this positive visit, more teams might be inclined to use the opportunity to visit the White House to speak about issues that are important to them.

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