
The Impact of LeBron James' Return to Cleveland

LeBron James returns to Cleveland

LeBron James- Reason for joy and despair

Basketball fans in Cleveland jumped with joy. Basketball fans in Miami were distraught.

Grown men in Cleveland had tears of joy. Grown men in Miami had tears of agony.

Women in Cleveland felt that their boyfriend had come back to mend their hearts. Women in Miami felt that their boyfriend had broken their hearts.

A tale of two cities, ladies and gentlemen.

It was a move that sent shockwaves through the sports world. With a simple statement, “I’m coming home”, LeBron James returns to Cleveland, instantly turning the Cleveland Cavaliers into a title contender. As a matter of fact, whichever team LeBron goes to, that team is certain to become a contender. With his return, Cleveland is a happening place once again after being reduced to a punchline for four years since 2010, the year he left the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat.

Speaking of the Miami Heat, the people of Miami are highly indebted to LeBron after everything he had done for them. He led the Heat to four straight NBA Finals appearances winning two titles in the process. He started charity foundations for the local communities. Practically, the Heat fans couldn’t ask for anything more from him. His four year stay in Miami was filled with dominant basketball mixed with a blend of charisma, breathtaking athletic ability, winning and simply greatness. Now with LeBron leaving the Miami Heat fans heartbroken, their disappointment and disbelief are understandable. Fortunately for them, they still have Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh to take their attention away from the LeBron-mania. And they have a great coach in Eric Spoelstra and a mastermind in Pat Riley who would definitely ensure that there will be meaningful basketball played at the American Airlines Arena.

But the sun is shining brightly over the Quicken Loans Arena. It was an incredible Friday for Cleveland basketball fans and Cleveland in general. Hopes were alive once again. Smiles all around. Four years of agony, losing and embarrassment was washed away with the King’s return. Cavs fans started wearing their burned LeBron jerseys once again. It is impossible to overstate what his return means to them.

He spent his first seven seasons of his magnificent NBA career with the Cavs. Cleveland fans were certain that they were destined to witness greatness as soon as they watched his incredible NBA debut in 2003. They watched him grow from a teenager with out-of-this-world talents to a global superstar who became a role model for youngsters. During his stint in Cleveland, every Cavs home game was a sellout. He gave the fans the greatest show on earth. He electrified the crowds with highlight reel plays, game winners and historic performances. He brought people together. He saved businesses and indirectly helped in creating new ones. In short, he was everything for Cleveland.

Marketing boom

Now with his homecoming, he brought life back to the once depressed city. There is excitement everywhere. His return animated even the other sports teams of the city. Johnny Manziel of the NFL’s Cleveland Browns posted a picture of himself and LeBron on Instagram with the inscription “Cleveland rocks.” The Cleveland Indians of the MLB had an inspiring victory over the Chicago White Sox after learning that LeBron is coming back. All of this adds for great publicity and marketing. And according to Scott Soshnick of Bloomberg, LeBron's return to Cleveland means the Cavaliers are now worth more than $1 billion, which is nearly double what they were worth without James in the fold. The Cavs season tickets were already sold out within eight hours after LeBron decision. Their merchandise sales are expected to grow with James alongside. Last year only two Cavs games were televised on national TV. That number could go up to 40 now. From a basketball perspective, he gives them stability and an opportunity to win every time he sets foot on the court.

He realized that he left them behind in the dust four years ago. He realized that he embarrassed the city of Cleveland on national TV with his infamous TV special on ESPN, ‘The Decision’. In 2010, winning was important to him over loyalty, emotions and sentiment. So he joined forces with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh and won two championships in Miami. Now that loyalty, those emotions and that sentiment outranked winning for him. Still, winning is the most important factor in his mind as he has to fulfill his promise of bringing a title to Cleveland. If he does bring a championship to this city, that will be etched as one of the greatest stories in sports. Gladly, he has better teammates now when compared to his previous Cleveland teams. Kyrie Irving is a young star. Andrew Wiggins, if not traded for Kevin Love, would be a great help to LeBron on the wing. With Wiggins’ defensive and sheer athletic ability, the Cavs would be scary. If Wiggins is traded for Love, that would be equally great, maybe better as the Cavs get an established star in Love, probably the best power forward in the NBA right now.  

At the end, everybody is a winner in Cleveland. That is the impact of LeBron James. That is the extent of magnitude this guy can create.  

Cleveland Cavaliers fans will have plenty to cheer about

So get ready for LeBron James to toss the chalk once again in Cleveland. The future is promising.

Long live The King.

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