
The Very First Tweets From NBA Superstars

Oklahoma City Thunder v Philadelphia 76ers
Oklahoma City Thunder v Philadelphia 76ers

NBA Superstars are global icons. They are amongst the most followed athletes on social media. Twitter has given us the chance to zero in on some of the biggest names in basketball and to understand their persona off the court. If you're lucky enough, you might even get to interact with the players.

Twitter is more of a minefield than it is a goldmine, with players and fans letting their feelings heard via this platform. On some occasions, it provides the purest comedy with the funniest tweets you'll ever see, but otherwise, it's mostly about players like Joel Embiid talking smack and taking shots at other players.

The life behind a Twitter account has become so inescapable, that players (Kevin Durant) and coaches (Bryan Colangelo of the 76'ers) have used "Burner Accounts" to clap back at their critics under a different identity.

But what about the very first tweets from these NBA superstars? We dug deep to find out and the results were great!

Kobe Bryant

We all know that Kobe Bryant is, to some extent, socially inept. He has made it clear time and time again that he is antisocial, and has no real friends in the League. A latecomer to the Twitterverse, here's Kobe's first ever tweet -

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LeBron James

King James has been a hero for his "I will not shut up and dribble" campaign against social injustice. He has also been vocal about his support for Colin Kaepernick who has been trying to fight racism and inequality in America. With most of his tweets being about his family and teammates, this is how LeBron James announced his arrival on Twitter.

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James Harden

This is one of my favorite first tweets of NBA stars. It takes us down memory lane to the 2009 NBA draft when James Harden was drafted #3 overall by the Oklahoma City Thunder.

This tweet surfaced just before the draft began and James Harden tweeted this gem that perfectly captures the emotions of every Draftee on the biggest night of their lives. James Harden has since won The Most Improved Player Award and is the reigning MVP of the League.

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Steph Curry

Steph Curry was drafted #7 Overall in 2009 just like James Harden. This was his first tweet which was obviously before the Draft Night. Back then, nobody knew him as the Steph Curry we know now, so it's no surprise that this tweet got a very limited response. He seemed to have recognized Twitter's potential very early though...

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Kevin Durant

Kevin Durant has been on the receiving end of some serious criticism for his fights on social media with the fans. Dubbed as a traitor for leaving OKC and joining the Warriors, KD has had a lot of haters to deal with and while some would ignore all the noise, he often claps back at haters through his twitter account. This was his first tweet in 2009, during his sophomore season in the NBA.

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Dirk Nowitzki

We all love Dirk Nowitzki for his simplicity. This is a classic Nowitzki tweet as he announces that he is now on twitter with 3 simple words. "I'm on Twitter!".

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John Wall

John Wall's tweet is the most relatable first tweet ever. We've all been through this - figuring out how Twitter works. John Wall doing what he does best - "nuttin just chillin..."

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JR Smith

JR Smith is one of the most entertaining guys in the League. Known for his erratic and unpredictable behavior, JR Smith has had his moments in the NBA. His first tweet perfectly discloses his personality - free and fun loving. Here's JR with his daily mantra.


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Russell Westbrook

Here's an example of tweeting exactly what you're doing. Brodie's first tweet emerged in 2009 and the only logical explanation is that he tweeted this when he was bowling with his friends. Do you think Westbrook hit a strike?

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Anthony Davis

The Brow keeping it real with this one... This tweet dates back to almost 2 years before he was drafted into the NBA.

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Derrick Rose

12th August 2012 was the closing day of the London Olympics. Team USA squared off against Team Spain in of the best basketball matches in Olympics history. Unfortunately, Derrick Rose was sidelined with an injury, but he wished his compatriots before the final game in this tweet.

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Chris Paul

Chris Paul telling us how he was encouraged to join Twitter by two other fellow basketball players.

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DeMarcus Cousins

DeMarcus Cousins' first ever tweet is roughly every 13-year old's reaction when they first open their twitter account...

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