
The Winners of the 6 biggest awards at the All Star Weekend

Celebrities At The 67th NBA All-Star Game: Team LeBron Vs. Team Stephen
Team LeBron taking the game against Team Curry

The All Star Weekend is done and it was a great break from the hectic schedule of the NBA. Team LeBron overcame Team Curry in one of the most closely and intensely fought All Star Games in a very long time. Both teams were neck and neck until the final minute where Team LeBron pushed ahead and took the game 148-145.

The Celebrities game and the Team USA vs Rest of the World were also riveting and fun to watch on day 1 while the Skills challenge, 3 point contest and the Dunk contest had a jovial yet competitive vibe on day 2. Let's have a look at the biggest winners from the All Star Weekend 2018:

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