
"These are kids and we keep putting them in harm's way at school!" - LeBron James grieves over the Robb Elementary School shooting in Texas, emphasizes importance of safety at school and sends prayers to victims

LeBron James was outraged by the senseless killing at a Texas school.
LeBron James was outraged by the senseless killing at a Texas school.

LeBron James, like millions all over the world, is still coming to grips with another senseless gun-related violence incident. Earlier Tuesday, an 18-year-old shot and killed 14 students and a teacher at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

The LA Lakers superstar was likely waiting for the start of Game 4 between the Golden State Warriors and Dallas Mavericks when he expressed his outrage:

“My thoughts and prayers goes out to the families of love ones loss & injured at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX! Like when is enough enough man!!! These are kids and we keep putting them in harm's way at school. Like seriously "AT SCHOOL" where it's supposed to be the safest!”

My thoughts and prayers goes out to the families of love ones loss & injured at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX! Like when is enough enough man!!! These are kids and we keep putting them in harms way at school. Like seriously "AT SCHOOL" where it's suppose to be the safest!

Initial reports coming out of Texas tagged the deceased shooter as Salvador Ramos. Senior investigators are also confirming reports that he killed his grandmother before the shooting spree at Robb Elementary School.

Police officials have yet to release the full details of what happened, but Texas Governor Greg Abbott has already given a press briefing. The shooting is now recorded as the deadliest shooting to occur in a school in Texas history.

Abbott gave an overview of the mind-numbing details of the killing during a somber media briefing:

"He shot and killed, horrifically, incomprehensibly, 14 students and killed a teacher. … He himself is deceased. It is believed that responding officers killed him."

President Joe Biden was reportedly stunned when he heard the news and will be addressing the issue Tuesday night at the White House.

The horrifying event must have hit James very hard as he also built a public elementary school in his native Akron, Ohio.

LeBron James is demanding change

LeBron James is demanding change following the Texas school shooting. [Photo: Silver Screen and Roll]
LeBron James is demanding change following the Texas school shooting. [Photo: Silver Screen and Roll]

Education Week, which has been monitoring shootings in schools since 2018, noted that the Robb Elementary violence is already the 27th of this year. Excluding the tally from Uvalde, Texas, 21 students have been killed not even halfway into the year.

"King James" called everyone to action with a heartfelt plea:

“There simply has to be change! HAS TO BE!!.. Praying to the heavens above to all with kids these days in schools.”

There simply has to be change! HAS TO BE!! 😔😔😔😔🥺🥺🥺🥺.. Praying to the heavens above to all with kids these days in schools. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Five days before the Robb Elementary School shooting, two people were killed at East Kentwood High School in Kentwood, Michigan. While a graduation ceremony was ongoing at the school, two lives were lost in the school’s parking lot.

James is probably the most influential figure in American pro sports. Hopefully, his call to action will not fall on deaf ears.

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