
Top 5 Centres right now in NBA

Centre is probably the hardest position to play in basketball. No aspect of physicality is ever enough to survive at ’5′. You need to be big, strong, athletic, physical, not afraid of contact and most of all, learn to be durable.

They are also the ones who have to do pretty much everything. They need to be able to shoot, rebound, defend, set picks and these days, even pass the ball around. Some of the greatest players to have played this game have done it by playing as centres, because, despite all the changes this game has undergone over the years, I still stick by the old maxim “You can’t teach height”.

This list ranks the top 5 centres in the league right now. By right now, I mean post 2012-13 season and so, the 2012-13 season factors heavily. As always, this list reflects my opinion, and if you do not agree with any aspect of it, feel free to comment. Let’s get started.

5. Marc Gasol

I would have never thought that I would prefer watching the younger Gasol brother over the older one. He’s an all-round player, excellent at both sides of the court. He’s the anchor of the Grizzlies’ defence.

Marc had an incredible 2012-13 season, and he was rewarded with an NBA Defensive player of the year award. The Spaniard is the first European to win the award.

Marc can shoot, rebound, defend, pass, dunk, and can also play a good mid-range game. He has excellent footwork and post skills. He can also effectively close out opposing seven-footers. He was one of the key reasons why the Grizzlies reached Conference finals.

Marc averaged 14.1 Points 7.8 Rebs, 1.7 Blocks, 1 steal and 4 assists per game. His total of 318 assists is the highest among centres. He also shot 85% from the line and 49% from the field.

He effectively combines his size with soft hands, good court vision and incredible quickness. One of the main reasons why he made it to this list, is that he delivers exactly what his team needs at any given moment. At 28, Marc still has a lot of years left in him too.

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