
Top 5 dunks in NBA history

Shaquille O'Neal with a Slam Dunk
Shaquille O'Neal with a Slam Dunk

A slam dunk is indeed the most electrifying move in the game of basketball. This move is a perfect combination of leaping ability, strength and creativity of a dunker. It's like poetry in motion which starts with leaving the ground and coming back; what happens in-between is absolutely awe-inspiring for the viewers.

A dunk is majestic to watch but when it is followed by an opponent getting "posterized" it becomes legendary. The thrill and satisfaction must be other-worldly for the dunker.

Let us re-live the most humiliating, the jaw-dropping and the best in-game dunks of all time and the intensity surrounding them.

#5 Blake Griffin's monster dunk on Kendrick Perkins

The intensity and prowess that Blake Griffin dunks have are worth witnessing. The high-flying, fearless and vicious poster boy is a joy to watch every time he holds the ball and rams his way to the basket.

He has many slam dunk posters to his name but this dunk, in particular, is the most devastating of them all. Perkins can definitely testify that being the victim of the act.

This dunk came off the pass from Chris Paul. Griffin gave Paul the screen and quickly cut into the lane. Paul saw him open and dropped a bounce pass to him. Everything was simple but then entered Kendrick Perkins with his massive built.

He would have left the ground for tenth-of-a-second and Blake was already over him and then came a thunderous slam dunk. The best part about the dunk - GRIFFIN HARDLY TOUCHED THE RIM.

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