
Top 5 rule changes that would benefit the NBA

LeBron James #23 of the Los Angeles Lakers runs past the NBA logo
LeBron James
#23 of the Los Angeles Lakers runs past the NBA logo

Even as exciting as the NBA is, certain rules make the game uninteresting and unnecessarily complicated. Understandably, some of these rules are put in place to entertain and protect players; however, their implementation could be different.

The NBA has done an incredible job of putting together regulations that keep the game intriguing and ultimately protect players. One stand-out rule that deserves to be applauded is the introduction of a review center to ensure officials make the right calls.

On the other hand, there are certain rules in the NBA that, at the very least, should be changed. While some might think there's nothing wrong with fixing a working system, there is nothing wrong with making adjustments to make things better.

That said, here are five rule changes that would benefit the NBA.

#1 NBA Playoffs draw

NBA Playoffs logo
NBA Playoffs logo

Teams have found a way to seek out supposedly favorable matchups in the NBA playoffs. They plot to feature in a particular bracket to avoid the "top" team until the Conference Finals. Perhaps it is time to change the rules concerning playoff qualification.

With the NBA Playoffs draw, the ability to influence one's opponent in the first round at least will be impossible. The top four teams can be randomly matched with the bottom four via a draw. That way, the NBA community will witness a fairer and more competitive playoff from the first round.

#2 Reduce the number of postseason games


Following a rigorous 82 regular-season game, demanding another 28 games in the postseason to clinch the championship will have its effect on the players. It is one of the reasons players get burnt fast and are more likely to get injured.

The NBA Playoffs will be more competitive if the number of games increases as teams progress. The first two rounds could follow a best-of-three format, while the Conference Finals adopt a best-of-five format.

In the real sense of a finale, the NBA Finals could be a best-of-seven bout to end the competition on an incredibly high note.

#3 Shots from either half should count as four points

Stephen Curry #30 of the Golden State Warriors takes a half-court shot
Stephen Curry
#30 of the Golden State Warriors takes a half-court shot

Teams should get more reward for pulling off one of the most bizarre shots in the NBA. As the shot clock winds down every quarter, players attempt to score from any part of the court by just tossing the ball.

A successful shot from the half-court or a team's half should count for more. That extra effort it takes to shoot from such a distance should not have the same points as a shot from just outside the arc.

The NBA should consider giving more points to shots from half-court as the difficulty level increases. Currently, the point count differs as the shot difficulty and distance do. The same rule should be extended to half-court shots.

#4 Offensive goaltending

An offensive goaltend call is baffling, to say the least. Everyone loves to see a high flyer put the ball back, but that is being limited. The current rule requires players to wait for the ball to get below the rim or outside the cylinder.

It should be fair play to the team trying to score as soon as the ball hits the rim. Both players are ultimately trying to score a basket, so it shouldn't be called offensive interference.

#5 Travel call

To viewers, it is almost as if the definition of traveling is different, and as a matter of fact, it is. A travel ought to be called when a player takes more than two steps without dribbling the ball.

The NBA has what is known as a "gather step," where players are allowed to take a step to bring the ball under control and then take the prescribed two steps that are allowed before a travel is called.

At times, it looks so much like players are taking a stroll on the court because of the number of steps allowed. In my opinion, the gather step is unnecessary. These star athletes have played basketball in high school and college, both of which do not subscribe to allowing "gather steps."

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