
Video: LeBron James vows to play better in Game 4 of NBA Finals

San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker talks about his hamstring injury, while Miami Heat star LeBron James addresses his shooting woes in the NBA finals on Wednesday in Texas, USA.

Tony Parker, Spurs Guard:
“You know it was a strain and I was just hoping it was not a tear or a defect, and so the good news it’s not a tear it’s not a defect so that’s the good news, and now I’ll just have to see how I feel tomorrow.”

“Oh I’m not putting pressure on myself the whole series you know I have to be patient a lot of the Miami defence focuses on me so I know my teammates are taking advantage of it, and they’re playing great, and hopefully they can keep it going.”

LeBron James, Heat Forward:
“I take full responsibility for our team’s performance last night (Tuesday) me as a leader I can’t afford to perform like I did last night and expect for us to win on the road, it’s that simple so I’m putting all the pressure on my chest, on my shoulders to come through for our team that’s the way it is.”

“But I mean I’ve shot the ball my rhythm I’ve been in good rhythm all year, I’ve worked on it enough so mentally it’s not a problem, mentally I’m not out of it saying that my shot is gone, I know what I can do so you know it’s just about going there and knocking ‘em down, you know I will do that.”

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