
5 of the most Jobless Jobs in sports

Sport is rapidly evolving to become one of the most sought-after industries for jobs these days as competitive leagues, tournaments and cups are springing up all over the world.

And while students graduate exclusively in sport-related programmes from some of the top colleges, there exist a few jobs in sport that simply make you scratch your head and wonder why they haven’t become obsolete this late into the 21st century.

It's time to acknowledge that humans have evolved significantly in the last few decades and the advent of technology has helped us in those areas by leaps and bounds. And with that mutual growth, why are there still some jobs - the 'jobless jobs', if you will - that people are offered to in the sporting world?

Here's looking at five of those sport-related 'jobless jobs' that shockingly still exist in today's world:

#5 The Step-checking referee at Long/Triple Jump Events

A referee to check where an athlete took his last step! Where have all the video cameras gone!?

Let's start small, the whole point of the person sitting on a chair to check if someone overstepped from a patch of area isn't just inefficiency, it's daylight robbery.

At a time when we have an abundance of technology to do just that, why do we insist that the job be done by a person? Football uses it for goal-line technology, tennis has been using it for years and only a fraction of that set-up would work much more efficiently in long/triple jump events.

Even the Olympics still employs a person to do it, as if they don't trust a camera and a computer to tell them such a simple piece of information. Dont worry, lads, it's not like the system will turn on you and favour certain athletes.

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