
8 most disgraceful acts in the history of Cricket

Cricket is called a Gentlemen's game.

Why do they actually call it so?

In the 17th century, when the English aristocrats started playing the sport, they agreed that it would be played in 'a gentlemanly manner', according to which a player should not sledge his opposition, cheat etc.

But sledging has become part and parcel of the game of late. Sometimes, the players have friendly banters but sometimes, they really try to get under the skin of the opposition. The ICC always keep a close eye on these things and have the tendency to punish if a player is found guilty of sledging or doping or cheating.

In spite of that, there have been several disgraceful incidents that have tarnished the image of the sport. Let us take a look at eight disgraceful acts that have taken place in the history of Cricket.

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