
County Championship - Derbyshire vs Warwickshire - Deciding on the team selection

As final run outs go, there was little more that Derbyshire could have hoped for from the game against Nottinghamshire. We competed well, saw the bowlers find good lines and lengths and the batsmen get balls in the middle of the bat. You couldn’t wish for more.

Ahead of his selection of the team for the first game, I think that Karl Krikken has three decisions to make.

The top four will be Godleman, Madsen, Durston and Chanderpaul. No worries there and Shivnarine seemed to be getting his range against our local rivals today, three big sixes confirming that he has the range for T20 as well as the powers of concentration that we have all come to admire and respect over the years.

The first decision is at number five. Dan Redfern had a fine 2012, but has had less pre-season opportunities than most with his finger injury. Nor has he converted the limited innings into scores, while his rival for the number five slot, Chesney Hughes, has been in fine fettle. Once again today, the big West Indian appeared to be booming his drives through the covers, always a sign that his game is grooved, and it has been that way since the first tour game in Barbados.

It would be hard luck on Redfern to miss out on this one, but it is a big call for Krikk. Neither player would let him down, but perhaps Hughes gives the more immediate prospect of runs. Conversely, Redfern has the enviable knack of pulling out innings when they are needed, so it is a tough call for the coach.

Ross Whiteley is crucial to the balance of the side and will be at six with justified optimism of runs and crucial wickets. Then comes the second decision – Tom Poynton or Richard Johnson behind the stumps?

Again, there is little to choose between the two, as wicket-keepers or batsmen. Both keep to a very high standard and set the tone in the field. They are also capable of good, pugnacious runs and have shown it in the warm up matches. It is another tough call, but my gut feeling is that Krikken will go with Poynton, who did so well last summer. He has maintained high standards and deserves first crack at the top tier for me.

Assuming he is fully fit, David Wainwright is a number eight who offers runs as well as high quality spin, while Tony Palladino and Tim Groenewald are obvious and high quality choices. That leaves just one position, that of third seamer.

Mark Turner has bowled with impressive pace, increased accuracy and good stamina in the warm up games. I am convinced that this will be a big summer for him and he will have a major role to play. Yet, Jonathan Clare has also done well and hits the pitch hard. If he is fully fit, he is a bowler with the rare knack of taking wickets in batches, never the worst of talents. He is also a player with centuries to his name and adds length to the batting.

So my team for the Warwickshire game?


We’ll find out soon enough, but as always I’m keen to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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