
Derbyshire: Encouraging off field news as Tim Groenewald departs

Tim Groenewald

So it is adieu to Tim Groenewald, as he heads to Taunton and a new career in the west country for the remainder of this summer and the three to follow. A top-earning player such as him was always going to be going to one of four counties and Somerset is a good fit. There's a small number who could offer the financial security that he sought and good luck to a top man and good cricketer. I wish him well.

He is and has been an admirable player but after the last couple of weeks I am pleased to see him make the move.The longer he stayed around, the more calls for his return there would have been, despite Graeme Welch making it clear that he was going with youth from now on. Welch will now have the chance to introduce young players without people sniping about 'absent friends' and, while I don't expect us to tear up trees in the remainder of the season, I hope to see potential in performances from young players who will be our lifeblood in the future.

There's more encouraging news off the field, with the introduction of an injury update section to the club website being an excellent idea. The club's communications have improved remarkably over the past few seasons and anything that increases transparency gets my vote. The conspiracy theories in some quarters over the absence of Jonathan Clare, for example, have been silly.

If he was fit, do people really think he wouldn't get a game? The reality is that he hasn't been fit - at least to bowl - for a long time and I hope that someone can get to the root of the problem. If they can't, I genuinely fear for the long-term career of a player who has great natural talent but has not enjoyed the best of luck with fitness in recent seasons.

Finally, it is great to read of the creation of a physical exhibition and online archive by the club, thanks to a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. In looking forward to the future, it is important to celebrate  the past and Derbyshire has much to look back on with pride. My background in libraries and archives was always going to make this an easy thing to appreciate and I hope that people get behind it.

If I can help in any way, I'd certainly be delighted to do so.

It deserves to do well.

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