
Derbyshire: Players return to training

Keith Poynton (R) with son Tom (C) and his wife Sheena [Photo credit - David Griffin]

A return to the County Ground for Derbyshire’s players today, after a traumatic and emotional weekend.

Losing a friend and loved one is always difficult and the start of the process is hardest of all. When my father-in-law passed away suddenly a few years ago, perhaps the most sage words were said to me by my then manager. “It doesn’t get any easier” she said “and it will always hurt, but you just get better at dealing with it”.

Five years down the line, it’s hard to argue with that assertion. There’s not a day goes by without us talking about him or thinking about him and it will be the same with Keith Poynton. That’s the impact that the best of people have on those left behind and no one who knew him will ever forget him.

Things have to move on, however, especially at the cricket club, as I said this morning to Colin Bloomfield on Radio Derby. It is right and natural that the family take the time they need, but for erstwhile colleagues, things have to carry on as normal as possible in the circumstances.

I’m not sure if anyone heard the piece, just after the eight o’clock news today, but if you did I’d just like to clarify one point. Colin asked if there should be a memorial to Keith at the County Ground and my reply was that it was a matter for the club and the family to discuss and I’d prefer not to comment. For the record, it would be a nice gesture, but it is not appropriate that I, nor anyone else, should be party to that discussion, should it arise.

I’ll also apologise for the lack of my usual dulcet tones, but a flu bug has left me somewhere between the late Arthur Mullard and Barry White vocally.

My thoughts, like yours, I’m sure, remain with the Poynton family and those closest to them.

May they find strength from each other and from the good wishes, thoughts and prayers of everyone in the days ahead.

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