
Derbyshire v Middlesex day 2

At the end of day 2, Derbyshire have done remarkably well to be ahead in this game, although the match situation is similar to a few we have experienced this summer, including that at Lords. We’ve worked ourselves into a good position – can we force it home?

Hats off to Karl Krikken, whose selection has thus far been shown to be absolutely right with everyone justifying their selection to some extent. Loud applause tonight for Matt Higginbottom, who returned excellent figures of 3-51 by the end of the day, while Tim Groenewald led the attack with his normal aggression and panache, well supported by Mark Footitt who showed good control, especially in his early spell.

There is still much to do and there are runs to be had in the visitors lower order unless we are among them quickly tomorrow. Earlier today, Groenewald and Footitt lent splendid support to the skipper and took our score to a most impressive 385 all out, the skipper unbeaten on a magnificent 138.

Big first session tomorrow that will perhaps make or break the game. A first innings lead of 120-plus would set us up nicely, if we bat as well a second time. There is a long way to go in this game, but we have earned both credibility and respect for our efforts so far,

That’s it from me tonight. Much more tomorrow, but my mate is over from the States today and a fine evening is afoot. He’s got his lads with him too, so a good time is set to be had by all, especially since its five years since we saw them…

In the words of Led Zeppelin, been a long time…

I look forward, as always, to your comments!

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