
Elstone shines as Derbyshire do likewise

Remember that scene in Shrek? The one where Donkey is bouncing up and down shouting “Pick me!” at the top of his voice, near the start of the first film?

It’s a little like how I see the Derbyshire dressing room right now, as player after player takes a chance to state their credentials and stake a claim in Graeme Welch’s first choice side. The coach has got a dream situation at present, as almost everyone has performed well and made a case for their inclusion in the side when the action proper starts.

Today’s professional win over Worcestershire never looked in doubt after a bowling display in which there were three standouts. OK, four, but Ben Cotton is going to stand out in most company at that height and did a tidy job on his senior debut.

For Tony Palladino, it was a rare opportunity in the one day game and he showed what he has to offer. For one reason or another, never made clear, Tony rarely saw one-day action for us under Karl Krikken. While at times I understood the rationale, in wanting to keep him fresh for the four-day game, on other occasions there were less obvious reasons for his omission. He is a good, experienced, talented bowler who can also clump handy runs down the order with a technique that has improved with every year at the club. There’s a lot to like in Tony, as a cricketer and a man, and I hope that he sees more one-day action this summer. It can only be to our advantage if he does so.

Then there’s Tom Knight. He seems to have been around for a long time, but at 20 he has massive potential and a big future. He has improved his fielding and batting considerably in the last two summers and is no longer the slightly ‘chunky’ lad who burst onto the first-class scene prematurely. Too many people forgot that the lad was still a schoolboy when he made his debut, but wasn’t the least bit fazed in bowling at the much vaunted Nottinghamshire side. He wasn’t really ready, but he has worked at his game and will put up a fight for the main spinner berth with David Wainwright.

Peter Burgoyne’s health misfortune is a shame for the player and the club, but Knight’s claims have moved forward as a result. Don’t be at all surprised to see him play a lot more cricket this summer, because he’s ready when opportunity is there.

The third standout today was Scott Elstone (pictured). When he signed in the winter, there were a few people suggesting he was lucky to get a deal, ignoring somewhat the fact that he had a storming summer at Dunstall and for the second team. The lad has worked very hard on his bowling in the winter and four wickets today suggests that he will be a more than useful weapon.

Throw in his brilliant fielding and the fact that batting is his stronger suit and you realise that we may just have picked up a jewel in the Burton-born youngster. At 23, he is another with plenty of time on his side and he adds to the depth of a squad that looks better and better with each passing week.

We’ve still to see our overseas great, Mr Chanderpaul, join the squad, so competition for places will be strong. You could argue that today’s side contained less than half of what many may see as a first-choice side. Then again, you could also say that we have around eighteen strong possibles to fit into eleven. A quart into an increasingly impressive pint pot.

It gladdens the heart to see it. Of course I’ll not get carried away, but the approach to the games seems, even at this distance, smarter. When did we last close out an innings with a spinner, let alone entrust the crucial last overs to a young tyro of 20?

Full marks to the guys for some thoroughly impressive displays thus far. Oh, and happy birthday to the chairman, who must have spent worse days than watching his side win in the splendours of Abu Dhabi.

Enthused about the summer?


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