
Jacques Kallis leaps to Graeme Smith's defence after divorce allegations

South Africa’s Jacques Kallis and Graeme Smith celebrate during a Test match in 2012

Graeme Smith, the youngest ever South Africa captain, is currently facing a barrage of criticism for the way in which his impending divorce with wife of four years, Morgan Deane, is unravelling, but has found a backer in long-time colleague and friend Jacques Kallis.

It was reported that Smith broke his marriage via a phone text, and later that it was an accidental text meant for the cricketer’s lawyer. The paper which ran the news article under the headline ‘Graeme Smith’s divorce shame’ was forced by a South African Press Ombudsman ruling to retract the article and apologise to the player.

In a statement released by Jacques Kallis, he slammed certain sections of the media for portraying "one side of the story and not the other", and called for giving the respect of privacy to his erstwhile captain.

"It has been difficult for those of us who know Graeme well to stand by and watch as these articles are written. I have literally grown up with Graeme, as have many of our colleagues in the cricketing community, and many of us are close friends on and off the pitch. There is little we don’t know about each other given the amount of time we spent together both in South Africa and on tour. 

“Graeme has always provided for Morgan and their children. While we were on tour, Morgan had a full time nanny on every occasion to help her. Today, she still has a full time nanny and house-keeper, and lives in a beautiful home in Cape Town, paid for by Graeme.The accusations made against Graeme in the media are outrageous. They are unfair and untrue."

“Many of the fake accusations irritated me but the one that really made me angry was the one about him going to the World Cup in Australia to be with his mates instead of being with his family. It is utter rubbish and seems designed to hurt. Graeme was pretty much forced into retirement, so he has to find a way to earn his income so that he can continue to provide for his family. I know he misses his kids when away, and when I see him I know where he’ll rather be. 

“Graeme (Smith) deserves our respect for the manner in which he has conducted himself, both during his marriage and subsequently. With so much that he could say to defend himself, he has still done the decent thing and stayed silent. 

“None of us are surprised at this, and nor should anyone else be. Those of us who know him well know that he is a dedicated father, a good friend, generous to a fault and one of the most decent men you could ever meet. I am proud to call him my friend.”

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