
Kent v Derbyshire day 3 report

Alex Hughes

No Eddie Barlow Inspirational Performance then, but a battling effort by Alex Hughes and David Wainwright restored a degree of pride and at least made Kent bat again. It also meant that the pitch inspectors deemed the wicket 'below average' with no points deduction, leaving Kent relieved and aiming to take steps to make them better in future. So 'just below average' next, then...

The brave effort by two battling cricketers cannot mask the day two frailties of a Derbyshire performance that was well below the requisite standard and needs to improve dramatically if we're not to end our current arm-wrestle with Leicestershire for the wooden spoon in last place.

I was concerned about Wainwright's future a few weeks back, but he has been a standout in recent weeks. Similarly, Hughes has passed his personal best on several occasions this summer and I am quite confident that, with continued hard work, he will be a fixture in the Derbyshire side for many years to come.

As I said before the game, this was one we could have won and that we lost so heavily is worrying. Yet there's little we can do with regard to changing personnel this season. Ben Slater may be due a run at some point, but neither Wes nor Ches have gone to the seconds and forced their case with big scores. Billy Godleman is injured and has had little chance to do anything of late, so we go with what we have, unless Graeme Welch decides to use some of his 'Groeners Fund' with a loan move for a batsman.

I was reminded of that yesterday, when I read, with a smile, that Glamorgan's second team against us included Gareth Rees, Stewart Walters, Murray Goodwin and Darren Sammy. And we reckon we have senior men in the second eleven!

I'm not sure who may be available or worth a move, to be honest. If we were to go for someone, I'd prefer it to be a player who might become a full-timer in the future, like Groenewald has done with Somerset. It makes more sense that way, as a player playing two or three knocks for us then going back to his normal club seems somewhat pointless.

Anyway, I await your comments, as always, with interest.

As for our team, the quest for consistency - make it form, in a lot of cases - continues. At least there's still a little fight in there, which is a starting point.

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