
Video: Trescothick anticipating 'twenty overs of explosions'

SOUNDBITE: Marcus Trescothick, Somerset captain (Q: What do you feel T20 offers to cricket fans as opposed to other formats of the game?)
“it’s great excitement from ball one. People come to watch twenty overs of explosions. They want to see the ball fly out of the ground. They want to see a ball at 100 miles per hour. You get a lot more international players that come along. You get two per team and it’s just very much entertainment. People come along at the end of the day’s play, end of the day’s work that they’ve had to watch three hours of great entertainment which is always good to see.”

SOUNDBITE: Marcus Trescothick, Somerset captain (Q: What are you aims for the forthcoming season?)
“Looking forward to it. We’ve been very consistent as a team, Somerset, for a number of years now. Never quite crossing the line in the right position. So yes, I’m very hopeful. We’ve got a strong team. Some great young players and some great internationals in our team.”

SOUNDBITE: Marcus Trescothick, Somerset captain (Q: How do you think England’s loss in the Champions Trophy will affect them for the coming Ashes series?)
“I think they’ll be very disappointed. Having spoken to a couple of them, they’re down. They’re obviously hurt badly that they didn’t quite pick it up. I think that given another week or so, they’ve obviously got a couple of T20′s against New Zealand in this time and then a game against Essex building up for the first test match. I think they’ll come back strong. Once they have time to sit down and have a think what’s gone on and then regroup, I think they’ll come back fighting hard.”

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