
Among Us: The art of venting and not getting caught while doing it

The art of Venting in Among Us
The art of Venting in Among Us

Venting is an essential ability in Among Us, which allows impostors to move around the map with much more ease. It not only allows impostors with an opportunity to get away from the scene of a crime quickly but also hide in the vents until someone reports the dead body.

Released in 2018 by InnerSloth, Among Us came into the limelight after becoming a mainstream game on major streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube in 2020.

The art of venting in Among Us

Out of the three maps available in Among Us, both The Skeld as well as Polus allows players to use the vent functionality to travel between two or three specific rooms connected with that particular vent route. However, in Mira HQ, each of the rooms is connected by a unified vent network, making it easier for the impostor to reach any room without ever leaving the vent.

The most important factors to keep in mind while venting as an impostor in Among Us includes:

  • Keeping in mind that no security cameras are around when the impostor is trying to get into or out of a vent
  • Making sure that they do not come out of a room that no one saw them going into the first place. This raises suspicion for the player using the vents, thus outing them as an impostor.
  • While hidden in a vent, both the Sabotage and the Kill button cooldown timers are paused, which means that Impostors cannot play an entire game hidden from the vents.
  • The safest time to use the vents as an Impostor is when there is neither anyone around you nor anyone watching the security cameras.
  • As an added layer of protection, Impostors are always advised to close the door while venting so that Crewmates cannot determine the player's identity using the vents.

With that being said, Among Us remains a game where we have seen people like Corpse Husband win as an impostor in spite of admitting that he is the impostor to everyone at the beginning of the round. Thus, the main art of using vents safely lies in the player's ability to mislead and misdirect the Crewmates.

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