Best Perks to get in 33 Immortals, ranked (Early access)
Alongside Relics, players can obtain Perks in 33 Immortals. Selected and equipped in the main hub area at Dante's shop, these help players start their roguelike run with a leg up on their journey to defeat God. Ranging from bonus stats to unique modifiers that boost effectiveness and damage in combat, players cannot do without them.
As such, let's take a look at the best Perks available in Thunder Lotus' MMO action game. Read on to know more.
Top 6 Perks in 33 Immortals

To upgrade Perks, players must gather purple crystals called Shards on their runs and then return to Dante in the hub to upgrade them to the next tier in 33 Immortals.
6) Immeasurable Love
- Description: "From this you surely understand that love must be in you of every virtue and of every deed that merits punishment"
- Bonus: While your Health is below 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%, you regenerate 1% of your maximum health every 5 seconds.
Managing health is key to surviving the harsh encounters across Inferno and the realms beyond in 33 Immortals. This Perk grants passive health regeneration every 5 seconds up to a maximum of 40% of total HP when Immeasurable Love is fully upgraded — this should drastically increase the chances of players staying alive.
5) Cheerful Camaraderie
- Description: "As a wheel turns smoothly, free from jars, my will and desire were turned by love, The love that moves the sun and the other stars"
- Bonus: You Resurrect other Players 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% faster.
Co-op is an integral part of 33 Immortals. In fact, it is virtually impossible to progress without working in tandem with other players, and this involves lending a helping hand when allies are downed. When their HP reaches zero for the first time in the run, players will be turned into a spirit and allies can approach them and attempt to revive them. Since staying still is not advisable in the game, this Perk should make things easier for both parties.
4) Rejuvenated Vigor
- Description: "The man who lies asleep will never waken fame, and his desire and all his life drift past him like a dream, and the traces of his memory fade from time like smoke in air, or ripples on a stream"
- Bonus: Your chance of finding Rare or Epic Relics increases by 10%/20%/30%/40%/50%.
Relics are random loot that players will find from rare sources in 33 Immortals, which grant them additional boosts and beneficial modifiers, like increased Damage, faster Co-op Power charge-up, and so on. Rarer Relics are hard to obtain so an increased chance for those to drop is always welcome.

Read More: Best Relics in 33 Immortals ranked
3) Bold Revolt
- Description: "The heavens are calling to you, and revolving around you, Showing you their eternal beauty, And still, you look down at the ground; Which is why He, who sees everything, punishes you"
- Bonus: You grant +20%/40%/60%/80%/100% Health when healing from Bone Shrines.
Bones are a common currency obtained during runs and are exchanged at the Torture Chamber altars for recovering health, buying Teleportation Stones, and Chest Keys. Since altar heals is a one-time deal, players can make the most of it by increasing the amount of health recovered using this Perk.
2) Astute Erudite
- Description: "Open your mind to what I shall disclose, and hold it fast within you; he who hears, but does not hold what he has heard, learns nothing"
- Bonus: Your Co-Op Power generates +12%/24%/36%/48%/60% faster.
Co-op Powers are unique abilities tied to each weapon in 33 Immortals, capable of turning the tide of battle. While these abilities are tied to a gauge that fills up over time, the rate at which it does is fairly slow. This Perk should allow players to get their Co-op Powers a little faster and use them more frequently.
1) Morphology of Justice
- Description: "Do you not understand that we are worms, Born to turn into angelic butterflies Who fly to judgement naked? You like unformed insects, like a worm who cannot change!"
- Bonus: You deal +5%/10%/15%/20%/25% Damage while your Dust is full.
Dust is a resource dropped from defeated foes. It helps fill up the Dust gauge on the bottom right corner of the screen and is useful for further enhancing stats temporarily while in a run at a Dust Shrine. However, players will eventually find themselves without any use for it with no shrines around during boss fights. This is where this Perk comes in, granting players a free damage boost in those times.
33 Immortals is on PC and Xbox Series X|S as well as Xbox Game Pass.