NBA 2K19: Best Lockdown Defender Builds

To check out the articles on the best builds in the newly released segment of the NBA 2K, you can find our suggestion for the best point guard archetypes, best shooting guard archetypes best small forward archetypes, and of course, the best power forward archetypes and of course best centers in the links provided.
Defending is an extremely underrated attribute in basketball and 2K alike, while everyone wants to be flashy and make the highlight reel sometimes defending is the easiest way to get a win.
In this years NBA 2K19, there are some really great defensive archetypes that are extremely fun to use both offline and online and will help you and your squad get wins whenever you please. Here we will go through the top three defensive archetypes to use in NBA 2K19
#3 Pure Lockdown Defender - Shooting Guard

Player Creation: Height - 6'6, Weight - 220 Pounds, Wingspan - Max
This 6'6 defensive beast is a build that is rarely seen on the online servers, even though when used correctly it is one of the most frustrating archetypes to come up against in the park.
The defensive stats are obviously going to be incredible, this player can reach a max 99 steal along with a 92 shot contest and 89 block, but what sets it a class above other defender builds is the offensive stats and badges you can get.
With the long wingspan, you'll be able to get your contested mid-range and three-point shot above 70.
This is fairly good considering it is a defensive build and will allow you to be a threat on offence and not just a passenger waiting to lockdown your opposition on the other end.
A key badge for this build is the silver corner specialist, once this badge is achieved you'll be able to knock down your fair share of threes no matter what your rating is, no doubt a great badge to have on your side.
The athleticism of this build is incredibly good, a 98 lateral quickness will allow you to keep up with the fastest of guards and forwards with ease and if you come across a deadly sharpshooter will be able to close the distance a contest a shot no matter where it is on the court.