
Arsenal vs Swansea preview, lineups, and some sarcasm

Another of my briefest of brief previews. Another unneeded fixture really, and one that we could have really done without. But, here we are.

Swansea at home in the 3rd Round of the FA Cup, in a replay game. And no, I don’t want to go years back, to tell you we would have smashed this team by now. This season has been another struggle, with each game becoming more of a punishment, rather than being an enjoyable breather on weekends.

We made things hard for ourselves against Manchester City, to be honest. You knew we would go on to lose as soon as the useless joke of a referee Mike Dean brandished his red card to Laurent Koscielny in the 8th minute. We were 2-0 down before half-time, and it was seemingly unlikely we would reduce the deficit in the second half.

Not that we didn’t try. The team did give it a go in the second half, with Jack Wilshere proving his class, and City having to resort to kicking tactics to take the gladiator down. Worryingly, we were singing the same old tunes, rather the manager was sticking to the same old post match script.

We lacked energy, we lacked focus, we were nervous, we were tentative, we were short offensively, we showed desire… Bollocks to that crap! I would probably fast for a month if I saw Wenger launch a tirade against his team instead of protecting them after every negative result.

All that’s a thing of the past now, and tonight presents us a good chance to progress in the FA Cup, probably the only realistic chance of winning some silverware. Yeah. I said the same sentence last year too, but it still holds good. 21 points off the race in the league, no chance; and if we continue with our disastrous self-mutilating techniques, we could be smothered by Bayern Munich, and that monstrous duo of Ribery and Robben.

Swansea won’t be easy to beat, though. We all know that. They are like that sludgy piece of mud that just refuses to go off the shirt these days. They could probably be our current bogey side, like how Bolton were a few years back.

But, let’s not compare the two sides. Bolton were like some huge collection of colossal giants, and we were like some hastily assembled bunch of garden gnomes. Needless to say, they often found it easy to steamroll their way past. Swansea, on the other hand, can manage to beat us at our own game, passing around the ball, like they are Barcelona.

Michu has become the Messi of Swansea, and he is putting up stellar performances on a consistent basis, and is surely their dangerman. Danny Graham, Pablo Hernandez, Leon Britton, Ashley Williams… let’s stop. They already look stronger than us.

A few injury concerns for tonight. I am not sure if the manager would look to play Diaby after his shockingly knock-free display against City. Coquelin could come into the free. I can also see Ramsey starting this one, in his favorite position, on either wing. I would also like to see a bit of Thomas Eisfeld. Cazorla looks jaded. Again. Like every week. Hopefully, he will be up for the weekend.

And anyone remember Andrei Arshavin, some Soviet bloke seeking refuge in North London. The same guy who bombed Liverpool once upon a time. He is in the squad. But don’t expect to see him bobble on to the pitch, unless there’s an impromptu air raid.

Mikel Arteta’s injury is a huge blow, while Tomas Rosicky’s injury… er, well, is a minor mishap in the large scheme of things. Heard he injured himself while making the short walk from the living room to the kitchen, falling over a stray grain of Kelloggs. Gervinho going to the AFCON, is a big blow. Sarcasm.

I would like to see Giroud given a chance up front, because Walcott has been an absolutely crap centre-forward. He just cannot take on defenders, and his pace could only come to light whilst facing even crappier and worn out defenders, like against Newcastle.

Giroud gives us an extra option, and I would like to see Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain start as well. In fact, I hope Walcott starts on the bench. About time we stop creaming up to this overpaid, overrated and egoistic winger, who thinks he is the new Thierry Henry, and is holding the club to ransom over a silly contract for the last 18 months.

In defence, I prefer Jenkinson ahead of Sagna, who could do with a breather. Jenkinson should be raring to go. Mertesacker and Vermaelen in defence is a given, and apart from Gibbs, not too many options at left-back. Andre Santos is a liability, and Jernade Meade, too young, for a game of this stature.

Here’s how I see the teams lining up.

So, there’s nothing to do, but wait, and hope for the best. Can’t believe I am saying this before a cup game against Swansea!

Enjoy the game wherever you are!

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