
Cricket Australia forced to delete tweet on Monty Panesar

Monty Panesar

Cricket Australia (CA) had to remove a tweet they posted on Monty Panesar after people on Twitter took offence to it.

The tweet – screenshot below – showed four men posing like Teletubbies with beard and turban. The tweet immediately drew criticism from various quarters with accusations of racism labelled against CA.

CNN television host Piers Morgan also joined in condemning the tweet. He posted: “Will someone please get fired for this?”, quickly with another tweet which read “I see @cricketaus has now deleted that @MontyPanesar tweet. Very wise. Casual racism is not ‘banter’. #Ashes“

CA apologised for the tweet later.

“We apologise for any offence caused with our previous tweet. That was certainly not the intention. It has been removed,” they tweeted.

A screenshot of the original tweet:

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