
Footballers and their celebrity lookalikes

1. Antonio Valencia/Younger Michael Jackson

If Antonio Valencia smiled a bit more often, I’m sure anyone from the 80s would mistake him for the King of Pop. While one mesmerizes us with his voice, the other mesmerizes us with his feet.

2. Fernando Torres/ Sacha Baron-Cohen

Both of them look ridiculously alike. Just make Sacha a bit more freckly andĀ voila! You get a pair of comedians: one who makes us laugh with his sense of humour and the other one makes us laugh with his on-field performances (ask Manchester Utd).

3. Diego Milito/Rocky

I can’t really tell the difference! Maybe Milito is a little skinnier; okay, a LOT skinnier. But he still bears an uncanny resemblance to our all-time favorite action hero.

4. Heurelho Gomes/ He Pingping

Though there may be anĀ astronomical difference in their heights, the facial features of these two are pretty much similar. He Pingping was the shortest man on Earth till he died in 2010. And if you guys are wondering who Gomes is, well, he is the substitute keeper for the Tottenham reserve side!

5. Francesco Totti/Bear Grylls

These two look EXACTLY the same. There is no dissimilarity between them! I’m pretty much sure that they were separated any years ago at the Kumbh Mela.

6. Rio Ferdinand/Joseph Goebbels

One must admit that Goebbels looks like Rio’s brother from another mother. Of course, I would think twice before calling Ferdinand a Nazi given the present circumstances. But the resemblance is there to be seen.

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