
Hilarious dives in football

Diving, simulation or evasive action – no matter what you call it, it has  become a shortcut to success for footballers of the modern era. The rules are simple – if you are successful in deceiving the arbitrator, you gain the upper hand. If you fail to do so, you receive a customary yellow card. The punishment seems quite less if weighed on a scale of significance, hence footballers tend to risk it.

Though a dive is highly disregarded in football, something which taints your reputation, there has been no shortage of dives in world football. Like a disease that’s there to stay, it’s contagious. However, on quite a few occasions, the dive which players attempt may not have ended the way they’d have wanted it to. How can one possibly explain as to why he was seen clutching his face for absolutely no reason, why were his arms flailing in the air as he went down after tripping on his own leg? There are good dives, bad dives and last but not the least, the hilarious dives. And this article all but sums up what we feel are the most hilarious dives in football. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as we ‘dive’ into the world of simulation.

Number 10

Talk about a better way to win a penalty. This dive had elements of genius too. After being clouded by two players, the referee’s angle was completely blocked. As the #18 crosses paths with the striker, his instinct asks him to take a tumble. But the way he goes down is hilarious. Seems more like someone chopped his leg off!

Number 9

Why is it that your instinct always tells you to grab your face and writhe in agony when you are face to face with your opponent? Answers on a postcard please. This is not only shocking but downright hilarious. Oli here has a simple message for the keeper – Please brush your teeth regularly.

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