
"I don’t see Liverpool finishing out of the top six" - Dominic King Interview

Today we are joined by the Daily Mails Sports Journalist and avid Liverpool fan Dominic King, we would like to thank Dominic for taking time out to do this interview.

Q1. What do you remember of your first Liverpool game ?

Plenty even though it was a long time ago now! April 1984, a 6-0 win over West Ham. Souness and Rush scored two each, Dalglish and Ronnie Whelan got the others. I was six and I went with my Mum and Dad. We sat in the Main Stand, towards The Kop, and my Mum had made cheese butties for half-time.

Q2. Houllier or Evans ?

What a question. I loved the Evans time of 1995-96 and the football they played but if you had to push me – which you are! – I will go Houllier. If Rafa Benitez hadn’t masterminded Istanbul, the 2000-01 season would be talked of as fondly as 1987-88. Think about some of the wins in the second half of that season. United at Anfield, Barcelona at Anfield, Arsenal at Cardiff, the Gary McAllister derby. Alaves. That tips it in Houllier’s direction.

Q3. Where were you in Istanbul ( memories of game etc ) ?

I was working for the Manchester Evening News at the time. I went on a supporters trip but was also working – I did a quotes piece for the Daily Post.  I remember heading to the ground and thinking it was on the surface of the moon. At half-time, I was bombarded with messages from gleeful Everton and Manchester United supporting mates but the only one I sent was to my Mum. I said, “don’t worry about me, there’s another 45 minutes. You never know what might happen.” And no, I didn’t think it would turn out so spectacularly well! I remember shouting to Smicer “Hit it lad!” when the ball came to him and I remember having no worries that Alonso getting to the rebound from the penalty. I can remember thinking all the way through the shootout that the outcome was never in doubt. The morning after, I was asked to do a comment piece for the MEN about what it meant to be at the game. I started the article off with the words “As Sir Alex Ferguson said after the second greatest comeback in Champions League history…” It wasn’t well received on the streets of Old Trafford.

Q4. What did you make of the whole Suarez affair ?

I thought the club handled their position superbly. John W Henry, in particular, played an exceptional hand. I found Suarez’s actions dispiriting and very disrespectful at times. His head was all over the place and the transformation in 24 hours in Melbourne – laughing and joking one day, sulking and moody the next – was remarkable. Still, it’s all done now and it will be interesting to see how the season pans out.

Q5. If you could interview 1 person from LFC past who would it be and why ?

Shankly would be the obvious one but doesn’t everybody say that? Really I’d have to go with Graeme Souness. I still find it desperately sad how things have ended with him. He was one of the club’s greatest players and, I believe, only wanted what was best. Perhaps he was too anxious to get his changes through. Yes, he made one enormous mistake but it would be interesting to sit down with him.

Q6. Did you ever find it hard being impartial as a journalist while writing about LFC, Or is that impossible ?

No, it don’t find it hard at all. I’m at games in a professional capacity and the only way you can go about this job is with having an open mind. Sometimes you can find yourself being too critical of the team.  I know I’m in a privileged position and I enjoy working with both the clubs on Merseyside. Impartiality remains at all times.

Q7. Prediction for this season ?

It’s been an encouraging start but there is still a long way to go. The team still lacks quality in key areas and the biggest blow of the summer was missing out on Henrikh Mykhitaran. He would have been an exceptional signing. Saying that, it is an open league and I don’t see Liverpool finishing out of the top six. I still need to be totally convinced they can finish in the top four.

Q8. 4th Place or FA Cup ?

FA Cup, every time. There’s no better place to win than Wembley.

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