
ISL Interview: "I expect that we reach the top 4 for the semifinals playoff" - Miguel Garcia, NorthEast United FC

Miguel Garcia, NorthEast United FC’s Portuguese star spoke about the ISL

What prompted you to join the Indian Super League?

I like new challenges and new adventures and during my time in Europe, I always had the desire to sometime play in Asia. Hence when the ISL was announced, I was happy to be given the opportunity to be a part of it.

How has your experience been of working with coach Ricki Herbert, who took the New Zealand team to the World Cup and helped them return unbeaten?

It has been a pleasure to work with a coach who was a part of the Fifa World Cup. In my opinion, I think all the players can learn a lot of things from an experienced coach like Ricki.

How would you rate your team's chances going into the league?

We are working very hard with people that understand a lot of football like Ricki and Lee, so I do expect that we reach the top 4 for the semi-finals playoff.

You are a graduate of the Sporting Lisbon academy, one of the top rated academies in world football. How tough was it making a successful transition to the first team?

Every year, three to four players graduate to the first team from the academy for pre-season and I had the chance to join them. When I got that opportunity, I said to myself that I can’t miss this big opportunity and I took it with both hands, as not a lot of players make it through because it is quite tough.

Your goal in the UEFA Cup semifinals against AZ Alkmaar was crucial to Sporting Lisbon qualifying for the finals. Describe how you felt about the same.

It was one of the best moments of my life as immediately after, I was overcome with emotion, because it was a major accomplishment. I was overjoyed not only because of the goal I scored but also because we advanced to the 2005 UEFA Cup final.

How was your experience with the Portugal U-21 side when you finished 3rd in the 2004 Euros?

It was another memorable experience, as I learned a lot. Also, being a part of the Euros is a great achievement for any player, and I really enjoyed it a lot.

Having played in Portugal, Spain and Turkey, what would you say are the differences between them in terms of playing style and tactical understanding?

Both Portugal and Spain are more or less the same in terms of a technical playing style & the game being tactical. Also, the players are of a higher quality when compared to Turkey, where the playing style is a little more physical.

What are your initial impressions of Indian football? 

I did not have much of an idea about Indian Football but I am happy to see that there so are many football fans in India and I wish to help Indian football grow.

Finally, Cristiano Ronaldo was at the Sporting Lisbon academy at about the same time as you. What did you think of him as a player then, and did you foresee him becoming the world's best player in the future?

We already could see then, that he will be a brilliant player in the future because of the amount of work he used to put in, and how he played. Everybody knew he would be very successful in the coming years.

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