
Inter Miami now has more Instagram followers than all NFL, MLB, NHL, and MLS teams after Lionel Messi signing

Inter Miami's Instagram following soared past all NFL, MLB, NHL, and MLS teams after the football legend Lionel Messi decided to pledge his footballing future to them. While Messi hasn't yet donned their jersey, their Instagram profile is already reaping the dividends from the South Florida-bound superstar.

An unprecedented influx of over five million followers swarmed the club's social media within 24 hours of Lionel Messi's announcement. This has catapulted the club's follower count from a modest one million to a staggering 6.7 million - a figure still on the rise at the time of this report.

Remarkably, according to Front Office Sports (via Daily Mail), this puts Inter Miami ahead of even the most colossal franchises across various sports on Instagram. In comparison, the New England Patriots hold an audience of 4.9 million, while the Dallas Cowboys trail behind at 4.5 million. Even the storied New York Yankees fall short with a count of 3.2 million followers.

Alongside the surging social media following, ticket prices for Inter Miami's matches are witnessing an extraordinary hike following Messi's announcement. In particular, prices for the New York Red Bulls match in August have seen an astronomical 1400% increase. Ticket prices surged to an average of $300 per seat, a steep rise from the pre-announcement price of just $25.

Sergio Aguero reveals amusing anecdote regarding Lionel Messi and Inter Miami

According to Sergio Aguero, Lionel Messi was in fits of laughter when Aguero sent him a screenshot showing Inter Miami languishing at the bottom of the MLS Eastern Conference. The Florida-based team has indeed experienced a challenging 2023 season, culminating in the exit of their coach, Phil Neville.

However, the dark clouds seem to be parting as they prepare to welcome the legendary Lionel Messi into their fold. The Argentine forward has publicly declared his move to the United States, following the expiration of his contract with Paris Saint-Germain (PSG).

During an interview with ESPN (via GOAL), Aguero shared his light-hearted conversation with Messi:

"I spoke to Messi yesterday, I sent him a message with a screenshot of the Eastern Conference standings and I said: ‘Your team is behind! You have to move up to 8th/9th! Messi cracked up. He said, ‘We have to make the play-offs!’”

Lionel Messi's new adventure will not be without its challenges, though, as he joins a team that has scraped together a mere 15 points from 16 games this season.

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