
Italian Sport Minister slams 'arrogant' Cristiano Ronaldo after Covid-19 protocol breach

Portugal and Juventus superstar Cristiano Ronaldo
Portugal and Juventus superstar Cristiano Ronaldo

Juventus superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has been blamed for breaching Italy's Covid-19 protocols after he was jetted to Turin following his positive coronavirus test.

The Portuguese forward tested positive for Covid-19 on October 13 while at international duty and has been isolated ever since.

In keeping with protocol - as he claimed to have understood it - the player was jetted back to Turin via an 'Air Ambulance' to allow him to self-isolate at home and make a quick recovery.

However, the Italian Sport Minister Vincenzo Spadafora took exception to this and publicly claimed that the player did not heed the country's social distancing guidelines in travelling back while being positive.

In reply, Cristiano Ronaldo issued a statement protesting his innocence through an Instagram post.

“A gentlemen here in Italy, whose name I won’t mention, said I didn’t obey the protocol - that’s simply a lie. I followed all the protocols and I will continue to follow them, my conscience is clear. Everything I did was authorised.”
“They said I broke Italian law and this and that... it’s all lies, I did everything properly,” he added. “We did everything the right way -- leaving the (Portugal national) team, in the air ambulance, arriving in Turin. I did not have contact with anyone," he clarified.

However, his clarification didn't set well with Spadafora who hit back at Cristiano Ronaldo, accusing him of being 'arrogant' and 'disrespectful' towards the country's laws.

He also went on to claim that personalities like Ronaldo who have a sizable fan following should be setting a better example through acting more responsibly.

"The fame and skill of certain players [Cristiano Ronaldo] does not entitle them to be arrogant, disrespectful to the institutions and to lie.
“On the contrary, the more well known you are, the more you should feel the responsibility of thinking before speaking and setting a good example," he said.

Cristiano Ronaldo tests positive for Covid-19 but asymptomatic

The Juventus star tested positive for the dreaded virus that has claimed the lives of over a million people the world over so far.

However, according to reports, the player was asymptomatic and Portugal coach Fernando Santos even claimed that he was willing to play for his country in the UEFA Nation's League despite the positive test.

Cristiano Ronaldo will now isolate at home in Turin until he tests negative for the virus and is cleared to join the rest of his Juventus teammates again.

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