
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo targeted by David Beckham's Inter Miami - Reports

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are the two greatest footballers of the 21st century
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are the two greatest footballers of the 21st century

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have been named as potential targets for David Beckham's MLS franchise Inter Miami. Beckham was part of the ownership group that helped found Inter Miami back in 2013.

Inter Miami made its debut in the MLS last year and has already attracted a few big footballers to the club.

Former Real Madrid and Napoli striker Gonzalo Higuain signed for the club last September, while former Juventus and PSG midfielder Blaise Matuidi is also on the club's roster.

Beckham has envisioned bringing in more footballing superstars in order to to take Inter Miami to the next level.

Earlier this week, the former England international spoke about the possibility of adding both Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo to the club in the near future. He told the media:

"Of course, we always want to bring in great players. Miami is a great pull for anyone and those kinds of players (Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo) are who we aspire to bring here. We already have players like Gonzalo Higuain and Blaise Matuidi who add to the glitz and glamour but also going forward we want to have the opportunity to bring some great names in. Leo and Cristiano have been mentioned, they have been at the top of their game and been the best for the last 15 years because of hard work. There is very little luck behind it."

The Manchester United legend was also asked about the new Inter Miami academy system. He explained:

"I have said from day one that our academy system is a massive part of this club and if we can bring players through here that have lived and breathed Inter Miami then that is the goal. But we also know that being in Miami, our fans want to see the big stars."

If David Beckham does pull off deals for both Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, it would undoubtedly help the MLS grow in terms of stature.

It would also make Inter Miami an enticing prospect for footballers to go to in the future.

Both Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have spoken about playing in the MLS

David Beckham is ready to take Inter Miami to the next level
David Beckham is ready to take Inter Miami to the next level

David Beckham will be encouraged by the fact that both Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have declared their intentions of playing in the MLS at some point during their careers.

Cristiano Ronaldo's former teammate Nani once proclaimed that the Juventus superstar had discussed a potential move to the MLS with him. He had told ESPN:

"A couple of years ago, he told me that he will probably end up in America. It's not 100% but probably. There is a chance."

Last year, Lionel Messi also declared his desire to play in the MLS in the future. He told La Sexta:

"I always had the dream of being able to enjoy and have the experience of living in the United States, experience what the league there is like."

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