
Sportskeeda's guide to enhance the football viewing experience

Football is more than just goals, tricks and skills

Football is called the beautiful game for a reason. Football is an art if a person knows how to watch it, where to look and what to observe. There is a lot going on provided the viewer knows where to look and what to look at. 

There is more to football than just 11 players on each side chasing a ball. The viewer needs to take everything in and make their eyes move quickly enough to observe the game completely.

This is a summarised list of five things a viewer should keep in mind while watching football matches that will enhance their overall viewing experience. 

#1 Don’t just “ball watch”

Rule number one, which is perhaps the most important, is to get out of the habit of ‘ball watching’. Everyone does it, we’re conditioned to watch only the ball all times because nobody has told us to do otherwise.

If a viewer wants to analyse football to its finer details, he/she must stop ball-watching. It’s a habit that will go away with time.

While watching the game, if the viewer stops watching the ball, the game opens up and he/she is able to watch every player playing and observe what they‘re doing. This is very important because it allows the viewer to take other details into account. Viewers can watch the game in its entirety which will, in turn, help them with the next few points. 

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