
The houses of Hogwarts and the clubs they resemble

The Hogwarts crest with the school motto – ‘Never tickle a sleeping dragon’

For those of us who grew up with ‘The Boy Who Lived’ and loved it, not getting a letter from Hogwarts was the most disappointing experience of our childhood. Muggle or not, J.K. Rowling had us convinced that even we had a shot of going to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Many lazy days were spent wondering which house the Sorting Hat would send us to – Gryffindor for the brave, Ravenclaw for the brainiacs, Hufflepuff for the loyal or Slytherin for the cunning. 

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It was easy for us to see our  favourite things take on the surreal magic of Rowling’s brilliant world – it extended to our homes, pets, schools and for some of us, even our favourite football clubs. While many of us liked to see the team we supported as Gryffindor (the house of Dumbledore, McGongall, Harry, Hermione and Ron), the truth is most probably quite far from it. After all, there are only four Hogwarts houses and as such, only four teams can make the cut.

Putting all bias aside, here are the four football clubs that resemble the Hogwarts houses the most:

#1 Real Madrid - Slytherin

Look no further than Sergio Ramos to discover the similarities between Real Madrid and Slytherin

When it was Salazar Slytherin’s turn to imbue the qualities he valued into the Sorting Hat, he picked cunning and ambition. Think of Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Severus Snape and Horace Slughorn. Irrespective of the choices they made in their life, all four were driven by ambition with a dash of cunning and trickery mixed in and Riddle, as we all know, became Lord Voldemort.

How is that any different from what defines Real Madrid? They definitely value ambition. A record-breaking 11th win in the Champions League this year made them the most successful European club of all time. And are the Los Blancos not cunning too? Pepe, Sergio Ramos, and Cristiano Ronaldo are clearly not above the occasional dive and fight. Remember all the times Draco and his cronies tried to get Harry and his friends into trouble at school? Reminds me a little of the fights at recent El Classicos, although Barcelona is no Gryffindor.

Video courtesy: Beautiful Football HD

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