
The most underrated qualities of the World's Best Players

Neymar, Messi, and Ronaldo – what magical footballers these guys are

Before we start an argument, let's get this out of the way – the 5 best players in the world currently are Gareth Bale, Neymar, Luis Suarez and two kids named Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. 

Are we done with that? 

Now, whenever we talk about these guys there is always something special that we point out – Messi's dribbling, Ronaldo's heading, Suarez's finishing and... you get the drift.  

But in the process are we looking past some of their other key qualities? We try and identify the most underrated qualities of each of these players

#5. Gareth Bale – Passing

Bale in full flow – what. a. sight.

The Welshman is well known for his speed, and for good reason. The man can outrace almost any professional footballer out there – Marc Batra probably still wakes up in cold sweats due to nightmares from that night in the Copa del Rey.

When he combines that pace with a jackhammer of a shot, incredible heading ability and the ability to control the ball while going at high speed you get a great football player. 

But all this we know... what we do miss out on, though, is his incredible ability to pick a pass, and execute it. Outside of the boot, toe poke, you name it and Bale would have done it. With that excellent footballing brain that helped him transition from back-up left back to one of the best attacking players in the world, he can pass his way through the eye of a needle. 

His crossing just accentuates his ability - in an era of wingers who almost all cut in to shoot (hello, Cristiano), Bale can often be a throwback – bombing down the wings and crossing to great effect. 

Whoever says crossing isn't passing, or isn't a good enough skill, please have a good hard look at yourself

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