
Top 5 club footballers who were not effective on the international stage

Here are five top club footballers, who failed to make an impact at the international stage:

Robbie Fowler - ENGLAND (26 Caps 7 Goals)

Liverpool fans will fondly recall the days when Fowler along with his partner in crime, banged in all the goals and played some of Liverpool’s best football in the Premier League. One could argue that, in his prime, Fowler was the most natural finisher in England. If you look at his goal scoring record, they certainly speak for themselves.

In his first three seasons for Liverpool, he scored more than 30 goals in each of them for a total of almost 98 goals. So, it wasn’t too hard to wonder why big things were expected from him. His partnership with Alan Shearer, in theory at least, looked like the perfection combination. But, despite being fourth highest goal scorer in English Premier League history and scoring closing to 250 goals in his career, Fowler never quite got going on the international stage.

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