
Video: De Sciglio back pass leads to own goal as Diego Lopez fails to recover the ball

Diego Lopez

AC Milan beat Parma 5-4 last night. But it could have so easily been 5-3 had Diego Lopez not made a goalkeeping blunder. 

Mattia De Sciglio tried to pass the ball back to his goalkeeper in the 89th minute of normal time when the ball suddenly skidded past him and into the net.th minute of normal time when the ball suddenly skidded past him and into the net.

Lopez also seemed to have pulled a muscle in the process, but Milan held on for the win making it two wins out of two. The win also put Inzaghi’s men on top of the table with a perfect record. 

Earlier, in the 78th th minute, Jeremy Menez also scored the goal of the game with a cheeky back-heel after rounding the goalkeeper.

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