
Video: Watch Javier Mascherano get his revenge on Luis Suarez and Neymar in Barcelona training session

Javier Mascherano indulged in a bit of horseplay at a Barcelona training session with Luis Suarez and Neymar Jr., winding the pair up. The Argentinian defensive midfielder had earlier vowed revenge when the same duo of Barcelona’s MSN trio had teased and trolled him in a previous session, and looks to have fulfilled his assertion.

As can be sen in the footage, Mascherano taps Neymar on the head while then resorting to a bit of verbal taunts, which results in the Brazilian giving chase to the Argentinian, although Mascherano escapes his attention. Such light-hearted teasing seems commonplace in Barcelona’s training sessions, which points at a great sense of camaraderie within the squad.

Later on, Mascherano is far more naughtier in his teasing of Suarez. The Uruguayan is calmly sitting on the pitch while Mascherano sneaks up to him and sneakily trods on his knee. Suarez does not take too kindly to this and chases Mascherano, albeit pointlessly. He later comically  goes down clutching his knee, with Mascherano coming in for a second bite.

To top it all off, Barcelona’s troll-in-chief, Gerard Pique, hits Suarez with a pass, and as the prone Uruguayan, who had his back turned, looks around, Pique points an accusatory finger elsewhere.

The background of all this horseplay happened about 10 days ago, when Neymar and Suarez taunted Mascherano together, wrestling the Argentinian to the ground. Barcelona’s defensive midfielder wasn’t all that impressed, vowing revenge on Twitter by saying “Easy, Luis Suarez and Neymar, I will catch you when you’re not ready. This does not end here hahahaha.”

Clearly, it seems Neymar and Suarez were caught unawares, as Mascherano finally has his revenge. One wonders what will be next in this continuing series of events.

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