
Video: Wenger refuses to be drawn on Suarez transfer

Arsene Wenger commented on Friday (2nd August) that all Arsenal players are expected to uphold the club’s reputation with their behaviour, amid further speculation that controversial Liverpool striker Luis Suarez could join the Gunners.

Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager (on potentially signing Liverpool striker Luis Suarez)
“We are working very hard to strengthen our squad and I don’t want to speak about (Luis) Suarez. Why? Because that’s between Liverpool and Arsenal and we will completely respect want Liverpool wants to do. And we want to do that, if it’s feasible, in an amicable way. So, I’m a great believer that you have to keep as much confidentially as possible – it’s quite difficult in the modern world!”

Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager (on Suarez and Arsenal’s reputation)
“Look, we have values that we want our players to respect and no matter where they come from, it will of course be very touchy on that. This club has built a reputation, not only during my period, but over 130 years and the values that are very important to this club have to be respected by every player, no matter where he comes from. And that will be with eery potential signing.”

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