
Fortnite players could be in for an "Electric" surprise in Chapter 6

According to the latest Fortnite leaks, players could be in for an "Electric" surprise in Chapter 6. Based on information shared by a coalition of leakers/data miners: @notkrae, @Krowe_moh, and @Loolo_WRLD, Epic Games is working on "Electric" weapons that will inflict elemental damage to players and buildings.

This is not a radically new feature, as numerous weapons in Save The World deal "Nature" damage, which is represented by a lightning bolt. However, this would be new for Battle Royale/Zero Build.

Here is more on these "Electric" weapons and what we could expect to see if they are added to the loot pool.

Note: The information is based on leaks and should be taken with a sip of "Slurp Juice" as it is subject to change.

"Electric" weapons could be added to the loot pool in Fortnite Chapter 6

Based on the details shared, we could see a few "Electric" weapons added to the Fortnite loot pool in the near future. For the time being, one only has a name: Bow & Grenade. It doesn't look like it has anything to do with electricity, but of course, the name could be a placeholder.

Moving on, we have information about the different status effects that we could see while using "Electric" weapons. Here is the list:

  • If electricity hits the player: Drops their current weapon and swaps to a Pickaxe
  • If electricity hits the car: Unknown
  • If electricity hits water: Unknown
  • If electricity hits builds: They burn

Watching players drop their current weapon and switch to their Pickaxe will be nothing short of hilarious. As for builds catching fire, it would make Battle Royale a bit more challenging for those who rely on builds a lot. When it comes to electricity hitting cars, it is unknown what would happen. The same goes for water.

But who's to say if these "Electric" weapons wouldn't affect other assets on the Fortnite map?

For the time being, that is everything we know about this rumored weapon type. There is no release window for now, but we could get more information in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 3 since it is rumored to be Star Wars-themed. This has to do with the fact that lightning, aka electricity, is one of the Force powers.

There is also a "Liquid Gun" in development for Battle Royale/Zero Build, but not much is known about it. Much like the "Electric" weapons, it could either be scrapped or released later in Chapter 6.

Read more articles related to the game here:

  • Fortnite x Disney collaboration is an "extremely exciting initiative," says Bob Iger
  • Epic Games has officially confirmed Fortnite iOS will return to Brazil in July 2025
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